Open Enrollment Year Round!
Thank you for your interest in Our Lady of the Rosary School Inc. We hope this information will help you to make a sound and lasting decision regarding the education and formation of your children. If you have any additional questions after reading this material, please feel free to contact us by phone, email, or through our website.

Curriculum Program
This program offers enrollment in Our Lady of the Rosary School Inc, all text books, teachers manuals, workbooks, lesson plans and exams. Quarterly exams, book reports and any creative work asked for in the lesson plans and submitted to the school will be corrected and graded by our qualified staff of teachers. Report cards are issued at the completion of each quarter’s work. Diplomas are awarded for completion of the kindergarten, eighth grade and high school programs. Honor roll certificates are awarded to those students who excel in their work. Grade maintenance and retention are provided, so transcripts will be available for transfers and entrance into college. The Curriculum Program provides everything you need to give your child a superior Catholic education at home, and it also includes the assistance of teachers and counselors to make your homeschooling experience as enjoyable and successful as possible.

Consumable Packet Program
(for parents teaching a pre-purchased grade to younger children)
Our Lady of the Rosary School Inc requires that all books and lesson plans be returned to the school at the completion of the school year. However, families with younger children may retain this material as long as they feel it is necessary, in order to teach their younger children. We do ask that you only retain this material for use by children of the family that originally purchased the curriculum. In this way, we can work together to help reduce your homeschooling costs. This program is designed to make it possible for you to purchase only what you need to teach your other children, and it can provide a significant yearly savings to families with more than one child.
Although much of the retained curriculum can be used to teach younger brothers and sisters, some materials (such as workbooks, exams, lesson planners, etc.) are consumable by their nature and are not reusable. These will have to be replaced if you are going to teach the same grade to a younger family member. The Consumable Curriculum Program was designed to replace only these consumable materials and to pass the savings on to you. Only the original purchaser of the Curriculum Program for that grade will qualify for the Consumable Curriculum Program.