Open Enrollment Year Round!

Tenth Grade

Course Overview
Tenth Grade
Course Grader
Kathleen Kanopa
Tuition Price
Registration Fee
High School Fee
Full Consumable
Through Christ Our Lord. A systematic study of God’s providential plan of salvation from Genesis through the life of Christ, with special emphasis on the Incarnation as the focal point of history. Study of a saint.
Composition and grammar; appreciation of literature. Catholic texts and suggested reading lists. Quarterly book reports.
Christian Culture II:
Western civilization from the birth of Christ to the present day, emphasizing the influence of Christianity upon Western civilization. It shows how the present crisis in Western culture is closely related to the loss of the Christian influence upon it. (Pre-requisite: Christian Culture I)
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of biology, with stress on implanting in the student respect for life in all its forms. Humanae Vitae and Humani Generis supplied.
Algebra II:
(Elective) Saxon text. Efficient traditional approach with 160% greater retention of algebra. (Pre-requisite: Algebra I) This course strongly recommended for all collegebound students.
Algebra I :
An integrated Approach (Elective): Amsco text. Optional math course for tenth grade. This is a complete course in first-year algebra.
Modern Algebra II:
Amsco text. Classical course in intermediate algebra which treats algebra as a deductive system, a language with a thorough review of elementary algebra.
Other electives available:
Latin I, French I, Spanish I, Home Economics I, Typing I, Bible Study, Desktop Publishing With appropriate pre-requisites: Latin II, French II, Spanish II, Home Economics II, Typing II, Marine Science, Economics For Everybody (See Course Offerings in the Forms page for full elective list).